Well-said. This framing of this issue as a human rights issue is helpful. Personally, I’m not sure whether abortion is taking a life and I’m glad you acknowledged those who find it morally wrong and not put them in same category as misogynists or white supremacists. Your piece helps me understand the SC decision even more as a power move by a group desperate to keep control.

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Thank you, Lyn. For more context, I highly recommend Heather Cox Richardson's "Letters from an American" (also on Substack). Her historical perspective helps to place this decision squarely in the throughline from the secessionist states' declarations of "states' rights" as justification for the economic system of enslaved labor. Lots of folks disagree about the place of abortion in reproductive care. The decision was less about that, and much more about undoing the power of the federal courts to protect rights on a national level. I always appreciate your thoughtful comments!

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